Executive Committe
The roles of the executive committee and the current office holder can be found in this section of our website.
Chairman | Ross Little | ||
The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the County Committee and the County Executive Committee, shall coordinate the political activities of the county, shall assist Republican candidates in organizing, planning, and conducting their respective campaigns in the county, and shall perform other duties as assigned by the County Committee. The County Chairman shall appoint all chairpersons and members to serve on all standing and ad-hoc Committees. | |||
1st Vice Chairman | John La Tour | ||
The First Vice-Chairman shall assume the duties of the Chairman in presiding over meetings in the absence of the Chairman, coordinate the activities of all the standing Committees and any other such Committees as the Chairman might establish, assist the Chairman in the selection of effective Committee chairmen, assure that the Committees are performing their activities, keep the Chairman informed on activities of the various Committees, and shall perform other duties as assigned by the Committee. | |||
2nd Vice Chairman | Ginny Dowden | ||
The Second Vice-Chairman shall assume the duties of the Chairman in the absence of the Chairman and First Vice-Chairman. The Second ViceChairman shall, assist the Chairman in the selection of interested and qualified Republicans to fill vacant positions as officers and precinct Committeemen assist the Chairman in assuring that the Bylaws of the WCRC are observed, and shall perform other duties as assigned by the County Committee. | |||
Secretary | Sherri Watson | ||
The Secretary shall serve as the chief clerical officer of the County Committee and County Executive Committee. Other duties include maintaining mailing lists, sending notices of meetings, agendas for meetings, and recording minutes of the official meetings. The Secretary shall notify the WCRC of the roll of delegates/alternates to the State Convention within ten (10) days following their election at the Biennial County Convention. Minutes of the immediate past meeting of the County Committee shall be read and approved at each meeting of the County Committee. Minutes of any Committee meeting shall be available for viewing by any member of the County Committee at any regular meeting of the County Committee. The Secretary is also responsible for keeping a current roster of the County Committee’s members of the District Committee, and to notify the Secretary of the County Committee, the District Chairman and the District Secretary within ten (10) days after their election to the District Committee. |
Treasurer |
Marla Pearson |
The Treasurer shall receive and account for all funds paid into the county Committee treasury, issue an official receipt to each contributor, keep a permanent record of all receipts and disbursements and report the financial condition to the Chairman and County Committee. The Treasurer shall serve as a member of the Finance Committee. The Treasurer shall submit to the Executive Committee, the Finance Committee and the County Committee a monthly report of actual revenue and expenditures by line item. The Treasurer shall prepare other written reports that the Executive Committee or the Finance Committee may require. The Treasurer shall cause to be prepared and filed all financial reports required by federal, state and local laws, including payroll tax returns, income tax returns and campaign finance disclosure reports and shall be responsible to assure the accuracy of such reports. The Treasurer shall monitor and supervise the preparation of such reports and shall sign reports as a duty of that position |
State Committeeman / Woman |
Mike Landry / Sharon Stuthard |
The State Committeeman/Committeewoman and State Committee Members shall attend the State meetings and appropriate political functions, vote on party policy matters and election of State officers, reflecting the will and interest of the County Committee, and inform the County Committee on actions and decisions adopted by the State Committee |
District Committeeman / Woman |
William Terrill / Valerie Biendara |
The District Committeeman/Committeewoman and District Committee Members shall attend the District meetings and appropriate political functions, vote on party policy matters and election of District officers, reflecting the will and interest of the County Committee, and inform the County Committee on actions and decisions adopted by the District Committee |
WCRW Chairwoman |
Marla Pearson |
The chair of the Washington County Republican Women shall serve as a member of the WCRC Executive Committee. In the event the President of the WCRW is not a registered voter in Washington County, the WCRW may designate another member to take her place. Said designee must be approved by the WCRC Executive Committee |