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Joseph Wood Elected Republican Party of Arkansas Chairman →
As wife June Wood looks on, former Washington County Judge Joseph Wood is sworn in as chairman of the Republican Party of Arkansas by Arkansas Supreme Court Associate Justice Shawn...
Washington County Judge Patrick Deakins Wins Party Builder Award →
Washington County Judge Patrick Deakins (right) received the John Paul Hammerschimdt Party Builder Award from the Republican Party of Arkansas August 19 at the state committee meeting in North Little...

Womack Speaks to Washington County Republicans →
The need for Republicans is to win elections, Republican Congressman Steve Womack of Northwest Arkansas’ Third Congressional District told members of the Washington Country Republican Committee August 15. Yet he...

County Committee Meeting Examines GOP Relationships with Minorities →
The relationship between the Republican Party and blacks and other minorities was the topic at the April 18, 2023 meeting of the Washington County Republican Committee. Presenting their own personal...
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