At the Washington County Republican booth, Felice Barrett and Alicia Devin discuss conservative versus liberal values with attendees of the 2019 Cinco de Mayo festival. During the all-day event, Republican volunteers gave out 85 copies of a two-sided paper containing the values comparisons written in Spanish and English.
Felice Barrett and Ellen Reynebeau discuss conservative values with attendees of the 2019 Cinco de Mayo celebration at the Jones Center in Springdale. A dozen people asked for and received copies of the Constitution that day and Republican volunteers also handed out more than 125 cards with information about the Washington County committee along with six voter registration forms and more than 100 bottles of water. It was the second time the Washington County Republican Committee and the Washington County Republican Women have had a booth at the Cinco de Mayo festival. Under the direction of Barbra Landry, other volunteers working at the booth included Mike Landry, Alicia Devin, MaeZeatta Ramsey, Susan Murray, Jim and Bea Estes, County Chairman Jim Wilson, District One Justice of the Peace Lance Johnson, Nancy Johnson, County Judge Joseph Wood, June Wood, Bill Harris, and A. J. Shirey.
Barbra Landry uses giant bubbles to attract people to the Washington County Republican booth at the 2019 Cinco de Mayo festival at the Jones Center in Springdale.
The newest member of the Washington County Republican Committee and the Washington County Republican Women is glittery Ellie Fant (left). Making her first public appearance at the WCRC/WCRW Cinco de Mayo festival at the Jones Center in Springdale, Ellie makes acquaintance with (l to r) Susan Murray, MaeZeatta Ramsey, and Alicia Devin.