Call To Meeting
Dear Fellow WCRC Member,
This is the WCRC Call to Meeting for 7:00 PM on Tuesday, April 16, 2019, to be held in the James Powell Annex of the Springdale Senior Center, 203 Park Street, Springdale. The doors will open at 6:15. The meeting will start at 7:00. Please sign in so we can accurately account for your attendance.
Special topic presentations will include a discussion of the Washington County Jail Expansion proposal followed by special guest, President Pro Tempore of the Senate, Jim Hendren.
Please note that the agenda, proxy form, minutes for March, and the March financials, and Agenda are attached for your review prior to the meeting.
If you are unable to attend and wish to maintain active WCRC membership status, a completed proxy form should be submitted. Your proxy will also help us ensure we have a quorum on hand to conduct committee business. Proxy forms for this meeting are attached in Word format. Let me know if you have any questions about how to complete a proxy.
NOTE: Completed proxies may be delivered to the meeting in the following ways:
- Hand carry by an attendee and present at check-in.
- Copy, complete, scan and email to the Chairman, Jim Wilson at
- Copy, complete, photograph and text to the Chairman, Jim Wilson at (479) 957-3379.
- US Mail to WCRC, PO Box 124, Greenland, AR 72737 (checked the day of meeting).
- Faxes may be sent to Nancy Johnson at 479-756-8708, she will bring it to the meeting.
Click to download files:
WCRC Proxy Form April 2019 Fayetteville Bond Issue Resolution March 2019 Minutes April 2019 Meeting Agenda WCRC 2019- 2020 Proposed Budget WCRC March 2019 Financial Report
See you there!
Jim Wilson
Chairman, WCRC