Washington County Republican Women Learn Perils of Human Trafficking

Britanny Moyer (L) and Anna Ellis, representing the anti-human trafficking group Into the Light, spoke October 26 to the monthly meeting of the Washington County Republican Women at the Springdale Country Club. They told of how vulnerable boys and girls and young adults are recruited for the drug and sex trade and are sometimes so psychologically damaged that when freed from traffickers they seek to go back to them. Moyer and Ellis described telltale signs of trafficked victims often seen in truck stops and convenience stores. Into the Light provides advocates and other support for survivors, including basic needs of food, clothing, and shelter, plus therapy and other assistance. It also provides training to law enforcement and others in efforts to combat the problem which is in every state including Arkansas. Headquartered in Mountain Home, Into the Light will have a Northwest Arkansas fund-raising event December 17 at The Ravington event center in Centerton. More information on the organization is at www.intothelightus.org

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